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Free Blog Article(s)
Do you have a house cleaning business with an English language website built using WordPress? We want to give you free blog articles, every month.
Really? Really! What’s the catch? There isn’t a catch, but it also isn’t just us trying to give away free content. Part of our SEO Campaigns involve building links from other sites back to our clients’ sites to improve their search engine rankings. And links from other cleaning businesses have a huge impact on rankings. So each article we give you for free will have two relevant links to other cleaning businesses so we can further boost our clients’ websites.
Read Our FAQ for Complete Details
The requirements are:
- English language websites only
- WordPress platform on a dedicated domain (No sites)
- House cleaning/maid service websites only
- Must be the primary website you use to promote your cleaning business
All registrations are subject to approval by Marketing For Cleaners. We reserve the right to deny, cancel or modify the Free Article Program at any time for any reason. You may cancel your participation at any time. Registration and approval does not guarantee delivery of free articles and does not constitute a contract to provide articles.
One. The value of this program to our clients is based largely on how powerful the link is from your site. We use Domain Authority to measure this value. Most small business websites have a domain authority between 8 and 20. If your site has a uniquely high domain authority (25+), contact us to learn about additional options that may be available for your website.
You always have the option to purchase additional articles on a recurring basis. We cover this in more detail in our Content Marketing section. Articles start at $80 each and go up depending upon the length of the articles.
And articles are included with every one of our SEO Programs.
First, we NEVER link to a direct competitor in the same market as you and we only link to other cleaning service websites. Each link is to content that is relevant to the content of your article. For instance, if you have an article about how to deep clean a bathroom the link will be to another article with bathroom cleaning tips. Relevance is key and if the link is relevant it actually boost the authority of your article in terms of how search engines will see it.
Content is king. Adding new, unique and relevant content to your website is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase traffic to your website. There is absolutely no downside to adding the free articles to your blog.
In fact, over time you will see significant increases to your website traffic as the size of your site grows.
The goal of a blog should be to basically turn your website into an encyclopedia of all things related to your services. Every blog articles simply increases the ways in which someone can find your site via a search engine like Google.
Articles are written in US English.
Each article is 100% unique and may cover a variety of topics – all under the general category of house cleaning. Our writing team consists of native English speaking professional authors. Each article is fully optimized and includes relevant titles and related article structure for SEO. Each article includes one licensed stock photo that is relevant to the content of the article.
For examples of real articles, please check out:
The average article is about 500 words.
Unfortunately, no. However, our team has 14+ years of experience in choosing relevant topics that match your website and your business. And the topics are designed to be engaging to your visitors and boost your SEO.
If by chance you feel an article is entirely inappropriate for your website, we will remove it for you.
No. In fact, the way we build the external links helps establish relevance for the article (or what SEO folks call ‘authority’) because the outbound link is to content that is related to your article.
For more information from the experts in creating SEO plugins for WordPress websites, read this article.
Once published to your site, you own the articles and can share them on your social media, etc. however you see fit.
While the articles are free to you, they do cost us in terms of labor to write them. Since most of our clients are house cleaning companies, that is where the value of the give-away is to us. As our business grows and diversifies, we hope to make this offer available to other types of cleaning services in the future.
Technically, yes. There is nothing stopping you from editing the articles since they are published on your website. However, sites that remove the links will be prohibited from receiving any future free articles forever.
Since including outbound links in your blog articles has absolutely no negative impact on your SEO (when properly done by us), there really is no reason to remove the links.
And, yes, our software tracks the links.
No! A PBN, or Professional Blogging Network, is a black-hat method of basically cheating at SEO by creating a network of dozens or 100s of sites and linking every one to each other to artificially boost their link profile. It is also a great way to get penalized by Google.
Since we are adding both new blogs and new clients every month and NOT linking all of them to each other, this process does not at all approximate how a PBN works. We only conduct white-hat SEO campaigns for our clients and have for over 14 years.
We reserve the right to modify or cancel this program at any time. Participants will be notified of changes to this program via email should they occur. The goal is to continue it as long as our company continues to grow.
Sorry, but no. In 14 years, we have never introduced a price increase to existing clients due to changes in our costs. To continue being able to avoid future price increases to our existing clients, we are not able to provide this particular freebie to existing clients. However, existing clients benefit significantly from this program as it further enhances the performance of your SEO Campaign.
Simply contact us or remove our user access to your site. If we can’t publish the articles to your site, obviously we cannot continue this service for you.
Sorry, but registration is temporarily closed.
We periodically open up registration as our needs evolve. Be sure to follow us on your favorite social media platform so as not to miss future announcements.